Monday, 14 March 2016

Tricks To Tackle Ransomware Extortion Attacks In 2016

Ransomware is nothing but is a kind of profitable businesses for cybercriminals and is a vital pain for the end-users and the business. Ransomware is getting more and more aggressive. Usually, the Windows handling complement was the targeted, but these Android Operating System and Linux are being targeted. It has been determined by the security experts that this continues to take place then it can be frightful for a normal user.

Leap towards the Extortionware

According to the Bitdefender’s predictions for 2016, it has been concluded that ransomware is not going to be the top issue, as it will change the way we identify the personal data. As ransomware simply encrypt the data till now and it asks for the ransom for unlocking the access to your critical information but now it is planning to move toward extortionware by threatening the victim to post their locked online data. Those who used to refuse to pay the ransom, they can get the access to their data online once the crooks post them. This could be so worst for the business as it could be quite worst when they bet their data posted online. Getting data such as personal files like documents, photos exposed could be quite risky for their businesses and so it can easily impact your business. And in this way, extortionware becomes more profitable business for the cybercriminals. 

Linux.Encoder - The Beginning

Since last few months, a new Linux ransomware dubbed Linux.Encoder has been affecting the web servers. The most frightening part of this ransomware is that the web is based on Linux-powered web servers sometime host more than one site. When an unpatched Linux web server is being infected with this Linux ransomware then the other hosted websites could be easily affected. However, when an unbreakable Linux.Encoder distribution is being created then the damage could be terrible.

How to Protect Yourself From Ransomware?

It has been advised by the experts that the best way to protect from ransomware extortion is to use security solution which is quite efficient to remove and detect the ransomware then this anti-ransomware technology will help you to protect your files, documents and also photos from being encrypted.

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